Pengyuan Wang Solo Oil Painting Exhibition

Tett Centre Gallery
Photograph of artist Pengyuan Wang with white bars overlaid. Text reads "Pengyuan Wang 2024 Solo Oil Painting Exhibition"

This exhibition will showcase Creativity Studio Artist Pengyuan Wang’s solo oil paintings, and will include a live painting component. A special sales show of small-scale works is planned for Wednesday and Thursday, with a price discount of fifty percent off. 


Free Admission


Exhibition Hours:

    Friday, May 24th, Opening from 6PM - 9PM
    Saturday, May 25th, 12PM - 8:30PM
    Sunday, May 26th, 10AM - 5PM
    Monday, May 27th, 4:30PM - 8:30PM
    Tuesday, May 28th, 4:30PM - 8:30PM
    Wednesday, May 29th, 4:30PM - 8:30PM
    Thursday, May 30th, 12PM - 3PM

About the Artist

Pengyuan Wang is a Chinese Canadian visual artist who works in oils, watercolour and calligraphy. He believes that art making is a way of finding stillness and peace within the mind. Peng is also a Creativity Studio artist at the Tett Centre! The Creativity Studios are located on the 2nd floor.

Instagram @pengyuan529 | Facebook @Pengyuan Wang