This exhibition will showcase Creativity Studio Artist Pengyuan Wang’s solo oil paintings, and will include a live painting component. A special sales show of small-scale works is planned for Wednesday and Thursday, with a price discount of fifty percent off.
Free Admission
Exhibition Hours:
Friday, May 24th, Opening from 6PM - 9PM
Saturday, May 25th, 12PM - 8:30PM
Sunday, May 26th, 10AM - 5PM
Monday, May 27th, 4:30PM - 8:30PM
Tuesday, May 28th, 4:30PM - 8:30PM
Wednesday, May 29th, 4:30PM - 8:30PM
Thursday, May 30th, 12PM - 3PM
About the Artist
Pengyuan Wang is a Chinese Canadian visual artist who works in oils, watercolour and calligraphy. He believes that art making is a way of finding stillness and peace within the mind. Peng is also a Creativity Studio artist at the Tett Centre! The Creativity Studios are located on the 2nd floor.
Instagram @pengyuan529 | Facebook @Pengyuan Wang