Mini Dragon Fly Watercolour Workshop

Activity Room

Mini Dragon Fly Watercolour Workshop with Alice Melo

Want to paint this happy little dragonfly? Join Alice in a fun and relaxing atmosphere, painting on a 7.67"x5.31" sized 100% cotton professional grade watercolour paper and start your very own mini watercolour collection. Don't be nervous, even if you have never tried watercolours or painting before, a step-by-step painting demonstration will captivate your creativity, and Alice is there to assist you. Designed for beginners and all skill levels, students will learn how to blend wet on wet, wet on dry, layering and painting details on a small scale. Supplied are highly pigmented watercolours, allowing you to experience the beauty of some of Alice's favourite watercolour brands and supplies. She will share her tips and tricks and make your watercolour painting adventure memorable. Mastering these techniques will lay the groundwork for future paintings, all while having fun, building confidence, and meeting new people. This workshop is perfect to gain your trust in the beauty of having fun with watercolours.

Appropriate for all Skill Levels  | Ages 16+



CA$50.00  | ALL MATERIALS and Tax INCLUDED | Click here to purchase your tickets

The Tett Centre is an accessible building, with elevators, automatic doors, and large single-stall accessible restrooms on every floor. Onsite parking is available using the Honk App.


About the Artist

Alice Melo is a Creativity Studio Artist at the Tett Centre. She can be found there, in her studio on Lake Ontario, capturing her love of animals in acrylic on canvas with as much personality as her endearing subjects themselves. Drawing from her roots in the Azores and following in the creative footsteps of her grandfather, she brings a unique viewpoint, respect and faith in nature.

Self-taught in realism, Alice shows her dedication through the detail in her work but also shows a high level of intuition by capturing the spirit of her subject. There is a warmth and empathy that leaps into the hearts of the viewers. An important message that she's relaying on behalf of the animals that might not be in the spotlight otherwise: "the world is a better place because of them."  |  Instagram @AliceMeloFineArt  |  Facebook @AliceMeloFineArt